Exploring the Gateway Trailhead

This was our first weekend in Arizona and basically my last weekend to “live it up” before treatment starts tomorrow. Miraculously enough, I was able to receive some medicinal marijuana, and otherwise was feeling well enough to be  wheeled around a bit.
So Saturday we went to the McDowell mountains and explored their nature trail learning all about the plants and animals. It was really nice to roll around and see the desert and the mountains and such.

I do miss walking though, a lot. I also deal with guilt from being pushed around and having to direct people all the time haha BUT the paths at the Gateway Trailhead are are hard gravel which is very easy for (Im guessing) all wheel chairs and rollators. It’s not a smooth ride and Iv’e been sore but it was worth it for the views.
I was very cold though almost the whole time in a dress, cardigan, and jacket. I also packed my pills, snacks, and water in my trusty little back pack. They also have an extensive map which tells elevation levels and such so that you can make sure it is a trail you can handle.
The nature trail is very flat and is a great loop if you can’t handle much.

This is a must visit (Multiple times!) if you come to Scottsdale.

Update from Arizona!

My mom and I living it up on the way to Arizona!1208151750
The exclamation point may have been a bit much because so far things have been moving but not super fast and i’m still not super positive yet.
I’ve been very foggy so it’s been really hard for me to connect with Dr. Ortle because he uses a lot of science terms that I cannot remember.

But I do understand that certain anti depressants and anxiety meds may not work on me because of the way i’m wired. And Dan is GREAT! Hes so nice and really welcoming (his words are easier to understand lol). Although I wouldn’t say I’m comfortable yet.. which of course is expected.

But it is beautiful; absolutely stunning here. I can’t get enough of the mountains and cactus! And the weather?! Gorgeous! A little cooler than we expected but honestly that’s the way i like it 🙂

This is a picture of my very first Arizona sunset –1210151730a_HDR

SO here is my upcoming schedule, Monday I get my first ketamine treatment for pain; Tuesday I start antibiotics on a regular IV; Thursday I get my port.

That’s a busy week, I’ll check in so you know you i’ve lived!

*Gentle Hugs*